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The first summer audio edition of Goodwill Zine. Features an anti-father's day theme along with music, poetry, interviews, a DIY piece, and anonymous submissions read by the GWZ staff. Enjoy!

Issue #7 explores the theme of sex. The aim is to empower all sexualities with discussions on consent, safety, health, and theory. There is also a section on DIY dildo making...

#11 marks the final issue of GWZ. Naturally we took an end of the world theme. We talked to UofL's zombie scholar, gave of run down of end of the world theories and reflected on the three we had of producing this zine. You guys have been great!

The second audio issue of the Louisville based Goodwill Zine. Includes spoken word, music, storytelling, articles, comedy and a delightful three part scifi comedy radio drama. Enjoy!

The Louisville Outskirts Festival is a weekend long music festival featuring female or female lead bands. The festival also hosts Rock Shop for Girls workshop, which is a crash course in DIY band forming and performance lead by local musicians. …
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